In Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra”, Antony says of Cleopatra:
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety…
IVP believes all women are made of infinite varieties and deserve to be seen and heard.
Image courtesy of Scott Wynn Photography
We devise original, narrative-documentary productions to explore the timeless question of how and why history repeats itself, by examining human relationships within an elevated historical moment.
Image courtesy of Alexis Buncich
IVP doesn’t just present history, we create re-imagined experiences.
Through hosting talk-backs with experts in the subject matter of our work;
performing in alternative, environmental, often-immersive spaces — such as museums and memorials;
and teaching educational workshops in schools;
we initiate a deeply sensorial learning environment between performer and audience.
Infinite Variety Productions (IVP) is a registered 501(c)3 theatre company dedicated to spotlighting women who have gone unnoticed throughout history and demanding awareness of women's roles in historical, current and possible events.